George and Barren Islands

GEORGE ISLAND 52°20'S, 59°48'W and BARREN ISLAND52°22'S, 59°42'W

George Island is, the second largest island of the Speedwell/ George/ Barren Island Group which runs over 5000 sheep and is owned by C & L May. George Island has a land area of 24 square km (9.3 miles), lying with Barren Island to the south west of East Falklands and south of Speedwell Island, separated from Lafonia by Eagle Passage. The island is flat, rising only to 18m (59ft) above sea level. Barren Island 99.5 square km (4.4 square miles) lies to the south east of George Island. George and Barren form the southernmost working farm in the Falklands. They are also involved in tourism with excellent wildlife. Barren has two listed buildings, a woolshed and a house.
  • George-Island---Giant-Petrels-and-Nests
  • George-Island---View
Both George and Barren islands are free from rats and this means that song bird populations can thrive. There are many pairs of Cobb's wrens and Tussac birds, also grass wrens and Falkland pipits. These islands have Magellanic, gentoo, and rockhopper penguins, southern giant petrels and colonies of elephant seals and sea lions. Both islands have 'Important Bird Area' status.



On 31st May 1866 La Santiago, a 266 ton ship registered in Buenos Ayres, 39 days out from Iquique en route to Marseilla with crew of 16 and one passenger and a cargo salt petre, totally wrecked on George Island. The crew and passenger were picked up as they made their way to Stanley in an open boat. (Joan Spruce).






Can you add/ correct any information or supply photographs or information , past or present/ life/ people/ buildings? Contact:
Sources include: Falkland Rural Heritage- Joan Spruce with Natalie Smith, Cameron National Archives/ Land/ buildings.
Photographic credits: Unknown, hope you don't mind




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